In The Tinseltown Murders, Detective Mac Slade is being hounded by a pair of Mob goons with the combined IQ of a ficus tree. In the nick of time, he gets a frantic call from the wife of Hollywood private eye Jack Mushnik. Arriving on the Coast after eluding the goons, Slade goes to a glitzy Hollywood bash in search of Jack and finds him — curled up in a refrigerator, dead as can be.
A lady private eye, a runaway farm girl, a movie star, a hostile homicide detective named Lieutenant Lou Tennant, a Chinese houseboy, a Nazi cleaning lady, a Hollywood agent, a gay hairdresser, a celebrity psychic and behemoth named Moose Lebowitz all do their utmost to impede Slade’s sleuthing — but to no avail. He not only solves the numerous murders but answers the burning question, “Who is Peaches Moskowitz?”
[…] SYNOPSIS: THE TINSELTOWN MURDERS: Meet Detective Mac Slade–he’s hard as rock, tough as nails, dense as concrete. […]